our programs
Over the last 40 years, Pioneer Community Living Association has grown to offer eight distinct residential programs. We house and serve 355 individuals per year, offering individual care, group support, and learning opportunities.
We work at both the client and system levels to ensure trauma-informed awareness. Our mission is to help those under our care build strengths and develop key skills for healthy living, at various levels of independence.
Pioneer House is a 20-bed, community residential facility in New Westminster that focuses on assisting individuals to develop the skills necessary to facilitate their transition to independent, community living.
CRESST is a 10-bed, community response, short-stay program in New Westminster. CRESST provides a structured, therapeutic environment that offers psycho-educational groups during the clients’ stay. The program provides service for 275 clients annually.
Lina’s Place is a 12-bed Mental Health, Assisted Living program in Burnaby. It provides a stable, supportive environment for persons with a mental illness who require support in developing the skills and resources necessary to increase personal competencies and quality of life.
When I think back to my stay at Lina’s, I think of how much I appreciated living there. The staff were very encouraging to me and helped me build my confidence up. I was concerned about living on my own again but, thankfully I lived at Lina’s Place for a year before I went back home. I don’t think I would have done as well had I not gone to Lina’s Place first.
~ Tammy*, past resident at Lina’s Place
Millers Way is a 10-bed program in Burnaby that emphasizes psycho-social rehabilitation and recovery. It focuses on the individual’s strengths and abilities through fostering choices to promote independence and growth.
Adrian House is a 10-bed program in Burnaby where Staff assist individuals to make choices, and then provide opportunities for the development of needed skills and resources to increase personal competencies and quality of life.
Thank you for all you continue to do for my Mom. Without the help of Adrian House, she would not be the person she is today. You have helped my mom find her way back, and we will always be grateful for all the wonderful staff.
~ John*, son of past client at Adrian House
Elizabeth Barnett Terrace is a 23-unit, supported independent living apartment building in New Westminster. The goals of this program are to provide safe and affordable housing that fosters independent living, while providing the least restrictive environment possible.
Living at EBT gives me a chance to be independent without losing the supports I need. I work and I volunteer, and then come home to a place where there is always someone to talk to. Facilities like this are very important. It is my stepping stone to living on my own.
~ Mary*, resident at Elizabeth Barnett Terrace
The Dominion House program is hosted in a 5-bed duplex in Burnaby. This program accommodates five Bridging Program residents who are ready to live more independently.
“Everyone wants to live a happy, safe, and empowered life. I'm proud our mission ensures those living with mental illness are afforded those same comforts.”
~ Nabila Kassam, PCLA Director of Development